We are happy to share some insights about Board International drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Revenue Performance Management, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.
In all of our Buyers Guides we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated
in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for revenue performance management. We evaluated Board International and six other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on revenue performance management.
Our analysis classified Board International as an Exemplary vendor, placing fourth overall with an 83.7%. Board International’s best performance came in Product Experience at 84.3%,
ranking third, due in part to its second-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Board International placed fourth at 81.5% due to its 78.8% performance in Validation. It was designated a Leader in Reliability, Usability and TCO/ROI.
Board International’s Product Experience was impacted by its performance in Adaptability, where it could improve the prepackaging and templating of common RPM functions and processes. Customer Experience was impacted by its performance in Validation, where it could improve customer support by expanding the methods of interaction, status monitoring and the use of enhanced search of community knowledge.
Board International performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, due to its strengths in scalability and the performance of its platform. Its comprehensive integration with the Office of Finance and HR also contributed to its strong Product Experience performance. In addition, Board International’s ease of use UI and UX led to its positive performance in Usability.
This assessment was based on Board, v. Spring Release and was available in January of 2023.
Board International, like all revenue performance management vendors, should continue to move away from the traditional focus on new sales in a way that ensures the product fully supports the ability to plan and optimize across all potential sales and revenue channels. By making this central to their application, it provides not just a set of "what to do" tools, but also guidance on "how to" as buyers look to plan for all channels and types of revenue.
This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of revenue performance management software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Read the report here.