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From Data-Driven to Data Leader

Five Key Priorities for the Office of Finance


The idea that finance organizations should play a more strategic role in company operations isn’t new. For some time, there's been general agreement that finance departments must evolve. They must provide better insights on what just happened, guidance on what’s likely to happen next, and data-driven advice on the best response to adverse events that still achieves business objectives. However, evolving the role of the finance organization recently became a top-of-mind issue for CFOs and even CEOs. That’s because discontinuities, especially severe ones, have a way of forcing people to return to first principles....

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Robert Kugel

Executive Director, Business Research
ISG, Ventana Research

Robert Kugel leads the overall business software research and teams spanning applications to technology and the specific expertise in the Office of Finance at ISG and Ventana Research. Rob is a book author and thought leader on integrated business planning (IBP).

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