Organizations that use technology for work management have a competitive advantage over those without collaborative, digital systems. However, existing work management technology may not be sufficient to keep up with the rate of digital work that is being performed.
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Project Management,
Digital Business,
Work Management,
task management
Data lakes began to emerge 10 years ago in response to the desire for analytic data platforms that could economically store and process large volumes of raw data. These platforms access data from multiple operational applications in a variety of formats to be queried by multiple business departments for a variety of analytic workloads.
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business intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Data Governance,
Data Management,
Analytics & Data,
analytic data platforms,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT.
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Digital Innovation Awards,
sales engagement,
Office of Revenue
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Human Capital Management,
Total Compensation Management,
Digital Innovation Awards
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
Digital Innovation Awards,
profitability management
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Cloud Computing,
Internet of Things,
Digital Technology,
mobile computing,
extended reality,
Digital Innovation Awards,
robotic automation,
Analytics & Data,
Collaborative & Conversational Computing,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimize organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Continuous Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
Digital Innovation Awards
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Digital Marketing,
intelligent marketing,
Digital Innovation Awards,
Customer Experience Management
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Performance Management,
Business Continuity,
Digital Innovation Awards,
Digital Business,
Work Management,
Governance & Risk
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcase advances in the productivity and potential of business applications as well as technology that contributes significantly to the improved processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations to advance business and IT that optimizes organizational resilience and workforce readiness.
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Cloud Computing,
Analytics & Data,
operational data plaftforms