For far too long, business intelligence technologies have left the rest of the exercise to the reader. Many of these tools do an excellent job providing information in an interactive way that lets organizations dive into the data and learn a lot about what has happened across all aspects of the business. More recently, many of these tools have added augmented intelligence capabilities that help explain why things happened. But rarely did any of these tools provide information about what to do...
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Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning
The shift from on-premises server infrastructure to cloud-based and software-as-a-service (SaaS) models has had a profound impact on the data and analytics architecture of many organizations in recent years. More than one-half of participants (59%) in Ventana Research’s Analytics and Data Benchmark research are deploying data and analytics workloads in the cloud, and a further 30% plan to do so. Customer demand for cloud-based consumption models has also had a significant impact on the products...
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Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Data Management,
natural language processing,
data operations,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms,
AI and Machine Learning
There is always space for innovation in the data platforms sector, and new vendors continue to emerge at regular intervals with new approaches designed to serve specialist data storage and processing requirements. Factors including performance, reliability, security and scalability provide a focal point for new vendors to differentiate from established vendors, especially for the most demanding operational or analytic data platform requirements. It is never easy, however, for developers of new...
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Cloud Computing,
operational data platforms
Ventana Research uses the term “data pantry” to describe a method of data storage (and the technology and process blueprint for its construction) created for a specific set of users and use cases in business-focused software. It’s a pantry because all the data one needs is readily available and easily accessible, with labels that are immediately recognized and understood by the users of the application. In tech speak, this means the semantic layer is optimized for the intended audience. It is...
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Continuous Planning,
Business Intelligence,
Data Management,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
data operations,
digital finance,
profitability management,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
AI and Machine Learning
In previous perspectives in this series, I’ve discussed some of the realities of cloud computing including costs, hybrid and multi-cloud configurations and business continuity. This perspective examines the realities of security and regulatory concerns associated with cloud computing. These issues are often cited by our research participants as reasons they are not embracing the cloud. To be fair, the majority of our research participants are embracing the cloud. However, among those that have...
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Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Data Governance,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
Governance & Risk,
AI and Machine Learning
In the face of a very uncertain future, companies have been discovering the value of rapid planning and budgeting cycles. As events unfold, they’re changing expectations for the future significantly on a daily or weekly basis. However, even when the world returns to a steadier state, companies will benefit from making their planning and budgeting processes faster, easier, more relevant, more strategic, more agile and more accurate.
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Office of Finance,
Business Planning,
Integrated Business Planning
Recently, I suggested you need to “mind the gap” between data and analytics. This perspective addresses another gap — the gap in skills between business intelligence (BI) and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML).
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Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning
After decades of overpromising and underdelivering, technology has now evolved to the point where it is fundamentally changing how accountants work – for the better. The pandemic and resulting support of remote work set the stage for a transformation of how accounting efforts are structured and performed, all for the better. Remote audits that became routine during lockdowns are evolving into virtual ones, where auditors take full advantage of advanced software to achieve dependably higher...
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Office of Finance,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance
The market and buyer landscape for contact center operating services has changed significantly since the onset of the pandemic, now almost three years ago. Three years would have been enough time for some significant shifts, even without the pressure the pandemic put on service operations. Nevertheless, with on-premises systems now taking a backseat industrywide, it’s fair to say that CCaaS, which typically refers to cloud-based systems, now represents the lions’ share of spending and therefore...
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
agent management,
Customer Experience Management,
Field Service,
customer service and support