Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are central to nearly every organization’s management of operational and financial business processes. They are essential to the smooth functioning of an organization’s record keeping, accounting and finance tasks. In manufacturing and distribution, ERP manages inventory and logistics. Some ERP software vendors incorporate an extended set of capabilities that include managing human resources as well as supply chains and logistics. In the 2020s,...
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
Predictive Planning,
AI and Machine Learning
Every organization performing analytics with multiple employees needs to collaborate. They should be collaborating in the analytics process and in communicating the results of those analyses. As I continue my evaluation of analytics and data vendors, I have to admit some disappointment at the level of collaborative capabilities some analytics vendors provide. To be fair, the level of capabilities vary widely, but I expected collaborative capabilities to be more uniformly available as a standard...
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business intelligence,
Data Governance,
Data Preparation,
Information Management,
Digital Technology,
collaborative computing
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
mobile computing,
AI and Machine Learning
This has been a dramatic year for contact centers. The underlying technology has been changing for some time, but that change is now accelerating because of the urgent operational shifts forced by the pandemic. When you can’t gather dozens or hundreds of people into a single, open-plan site, you must look at alternative models for staffing and interaction handling. You must also work harder to create positive customer experiences across multiple contact channels.
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
Product Information Management,
Digital Commerce,
Subscription Management,
agent management,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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Customer Experience,
Digital Marketing,
Digital Commerce
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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embedded analytics,
Sales Performance Management,
Digital Technology,
intelligent marketing,
sales enablement,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy innovations in technology that advance business and IT.
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
Digital Technology,
Digital Commerce,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
agent management
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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Customer Experience,
Human Capital Management,
Internet of Things,
Contact Center,
Digital Technology,
Digital Commerce,
Operations & Supply Chain,
employee experience,
candidate engagement,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
mobile computing,
agent management,
extended reality,
business digital commerce,
work experience management,
AI and Machine Learning
For decades, data integration was a rigid process. Data was processed in batches once a month, once a week or once a day. Organizations needed to make sure those processes were completed successfully—and reliably—so they had the data necessary to make informed business decisions. The result was battle-tested integrations that could withstand the test of time.
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Data Governance,
Data Integration,
Data Preparation,
Information Management,
data operations
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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Customer Experience,
Human Capital Management,
Office of Finance,
Contact Center,
Workforce Management,
Digital Technology,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
employee experience,
continuous supply chain,
agent management,
work experience management
Ventana Research has been evaluating analytics and business intelligence (BI) software for a long time—almost 20 years. Our methodology for these assessments is referred to as a Value Index. We use weightings derived from our benchmark research about how you, as buyers of these technologies, value and evaluate vendors. You can view our 2019 Value Index results here. I am in the process of completing the 2020 evaluation now.
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Data Governance,
Data Preparation,
Information Management,
natural language processing,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
AI and Machine Learning
A couple of years ago, I started talking about a “New Era of Trade.” Its starting point was the world financial crisis in 2007, but the evidence that we were experiencing a shift only became obvious years later. I think “new era” is a better description of what’s going on than calling these bilateral ructions a “trade war.” I avoid that latter term because I believe it should apply to an environment that truly merits such a description, one similar to the period from the late 1920s and well...
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Office of Finance,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Predictive Planning,
continuous supply chain
It’s very exciting to embark on a new chapter of one’s career, so I am thrilled to be joining Ventana Research to lead the practice of expertise in customer experience (CX). Some who know me might remember that I’ve been in this industry since a much younger version of me edited Call Center Magazine in the 1990s and 2000s. Others might have crossed paths in my role at several industry analyst firms. I’ve been around for quite a while, invigorate and help CX emerge as a competitive...
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
Product Information Management,
Digital Commerce,
Subscription Management,
agent management