Now more than ever, effective data management is crucial to enable decision-makers to better assess information and take calculated actions. It is also important to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to derive higher value from data and analytics and maintain a competitive edge in the market. However, every organization faces challenges with data management and analytics. And as organizations scale, the complexity only increases, creating a need for better data governance, data...
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Data Governance,
Data Management,
data operations,
Analytic Data Platforms
Data analytics provide valuable insights and enable organizations to make better decisions, improve performance and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Analytics can change frequently depending on the data being analyzed and the methods used to gather and process it. Factors such as new data, changes in the underlying systems or updates to algorithms can all contribute to differences in an analysis. AnalyticOps helps ensure data is accurate, up-to-date and consistent across...
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence
I’ve previously written about the analytics continuum, which spans a range of capabilities including reporting, visualization, planning, real-time processes, natural language processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning. I’ve also written about the analysis that goes into making intelligent decisions with decision intelligence. In this perspective, I’d like to focus on one end of the analytics continuum, which I’ll label advanced analytics.
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Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning
Markets have been more volatile than ever. It creates a need for decision makers to utilize technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to better understand the external factors that impact their business. By identifying these factors, organizations can better plan for changing market environments and seize market opportunities. However, manual modeling is a time-consuming process and results in a limited number of models and tests. Also, updating those models is...
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
AI and Machine Learning
Ventana Research recently announced its 2023 Market Agenda for Analytics, continuing the guidance we have offered for nearly two decades to help organizations derive optimal value from technology investments to improve business outcomes.
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Process Mining,
Analytics & Data,
Collaborative & Conversational Computing
Ventana Research recently announced its 2023 research agenda for the Office of Revenue, continuing the guidance we’ve offered for nearly two decades to help organizations realize their optimal value from applying technology to improve business outcomes. Chief Sales and Revenue Officers face an imperative to manage their sales and revenue organizations, but they don’t always have the guidance they need to embrace technology to achieve the best possible outcomes. As we look forward to 2023, we...
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Internet of Things,
Sales Performance Management,
Digital Technology,
Digital Commerce,
Conversational Computing,
mobile computing,
Subscription Management,
extended reality,
intelligent sales,
partner management,
Sales Engagement,
AI and Machine Learning
Ventana Research recently announced its Market Agenda in the expertise area of Customer Experience. CX has emerged as a way for organizations to demonstrate value and stand out in the marketplace. The technology underlying modern CX is transitioning from tools that are based on communication to those centered on data analysis and process automation. This allows organizations to build great experiences and reap the benefits in customer loyalty and value. It also forces companies to reckon with...
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
agent management,
Customer Experience Management,
Field Service,
AI and Machine Learning
I’m proud to share Ventana Research’s 2023 Market Agenda for Digital Technology. Our focus in this agenda is to deliver expertise to help organizations prioritize technology investments that improve customer, partner and workforce experiences while also increasing organizational effectiveness and agility.
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Cloud Computing,
Internet of Things,
Digital Technology,
mobile computing,
extended reality,
robotic automation,
Collaborative & Conversational Computing,
AI and Machine Learning
Ventana Research has announced its market agenda for 2023, continuing a 20-year tradition of credibility and trust in our objective efforts to educate and guide the technology market. Our research and insights are backed by our expertise and independence, as we do not share our Market Agenda or our market research – including analyst and market perspectives – with any external party before it is published. We continuously refine our Market Agenda throughout the year to ensure we offer the...
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Customer Experience,
Human Capital Management,
Office of Finance,
Digital Technology,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Digital Business,
Office of Revenue
In today’s organization, the myriad of analytics and permutations of dashboards challenge workers’ ability to take contextual actions efficiently. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom for investing in analytics does not recognize the benefits of empowering the workforce to understand the situation, examine options and work together to make the best possible decision.
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business intelligence,
Digital Technology,
Digital Business,
Analytics & Data,
Analytic Data Platforms,
AI and Machine Learning