The pandemic has raised the stakes for self-service in every part of the customer journey. In 2020, the customer service industry underwent a shock to its collective system by pulling up stakes and moving agents to remote work. At the same time, consumers moved away from in-person interactions in stores and branches. This systemic disruption has led to longer call wait times and tougher interactions because collaborating and accessing company data systems from outside the office is difficult.
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Customer Experience,
Contact Center,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Conversational Computing,
agent management,
AI and Machine Learning
Can you imagine a more arcane and boring topic than accounts receivable? Unless you are the CFO, controller, chief accounting officer or treasurer of an organization, maybe not. Anecdotally, as it’s part of the trend to the digital transformation of all things in the department, there appears to be greater interest in this area of the Office of Finance. With populations locked down and the accounting staff unable to work in an office, the need to operate virtually has accelerated the...
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
AI and Machine Learning
Teradata is not a name that is commonly associated with the customer experience marketplace, but that is likely to change as customer experience (CX) practitioners wrestle with the problems created by the multiple streams of data thrown off by the many applications and customer touchpoints they have to manage. Teradata’s Vantage CX is a tool for ingesting and managing customer information at great scale, combining the functions of a modern CDP with the analytics that makes customer data...
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Customer Experience,
Business Intelligence,
Contact Center,
Digital Marketing,
Digital Commerce,
intelligent marketing,
AI and Machine Learning
Although historically there has been a hard divide between what are colloquially called “Inside and Field Sales,” changes over the last 10 years have narrowed the distinction. The pandemic has only accelerated the path to unifying sales activities commonly performed to engage buyers and customers. Characterized by a very disciplined and controlled endeavor, inside sales teams have been heavier users of technology. This has enabled more productive engagement including emails and calls, as well...
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Internet of Things,
Sales Performance Management (SPM),
natural language processing,
intelligent sales,
sales enablement,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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Data Governance,
Data Lake,
Data Preparation,
Information Management (IM),
Digital Technology,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
mobile computing,
extended reality,
AI and Machine Learning
Determining and providing the appropriate compensation for each person — whether it involves base pay, variable pay such as commissions or bonuses or longer-term incentives in the form of cash or equity or other rewards — is critical to being able to attract and retain productive members of the workforce, whether full- or part-time employees, contingent workers or contractors. The complexities of compensation often prove to be a core challenge for human resources departments as they strive to...
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collaborative computing,
total rewards management,
AI and Machine Learning
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are central to nearly every organization’s management of operational and financial business processes. They are essential to the smooth functioning of an organization’s record keeping, accounting and finance tasks. In manufacturing and distribution, ERP manages inventory and logistics. Some ERP software vendors incorporate an extended set of capabilities that include managing human resources as well as supply chains and logistics. In the 2020s,...
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
Predictive Planning,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
mobile computing,
AI and Machine Learning
This has been a dramatic year for contact centers. The underlying technology has been changing for some time, but that change is now accelerating because of the urgent operational shifts forced by the pandemic. When you can’t gather dozens or hundreds of people into a single, open-plan site, you must look at alternative models for staffing and interaction handling. You must also work harder to create positive customer experiences across multiple contact channels.
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
Product Information Management,
Digital Commerce,
Subscription Management,
agent management,
AI and Machine Learning
The annual Ventana Research Digital Innovation Awards showcases advances in the productivity and potential of business applications, as well as technology that contributes significantly to improved efficiency and productivity in the processes and the performance of an organization. Our goal is to recognize technology and vendors that have introduced noteworthy digital innovations that advance business and IT.
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embedded analytics,
Sales Performance Management,
Digital Technology,
intelligent marketing,
sales enablement,
AI and Machine Learning