I recently wrote about the need for enterprises to harness events to process and act upon data at the speed of business. The core technologiesthat enable enterprises to process and analyze data in real time have been in existence for many years and are widely adopted. However, streaming and events technologies are also commonly seen as a niche requirement, separate from an enterprise’s primary focus on batch processing of data at rest. One of the reasons for this is an entrenched reliance on...
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Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events
Metadata management has played a role in data governance and analytics for many years. It wasn’t until the emergence of the data catalog as a product category just over a decade ago that enterprises had a platform for metadata-driven data management that could span multiple departments and use cases across an entire enterprise.
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AI & Machine Learning,
Analytics & Data,
Data Intelligence
I previously wrote about the importance of open table formats to the evolution of data lakes into data lakehouses. The concept of the data lake was initially proposed as a single environment where data could be combined from multiple sources to be stored and processed to enable analysis by multiple users for multiple purposes.
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data platforms,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events
Although the terms data fabric and data mesh are often used interchangeably, I previously explained that they are distinct but complementary. Data fabric refers to technology products that can be used to integrate, manage and govern data across distributed environments, supporting the cultural and organizational data ownership and access goals of data mesh. Data fabric and data mesh are also both related to logical data management, which is the approach of providing virtualized access to data...
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Analytics & Data,
Data Intelligence
As I noted in the 2024 Buyers Guide for Operational Data Platforms, intelligent applications powered by artificial intelligence have impacted the requirements for operational data platforms. These applications, infused with contextually relevant recommendations, predictions and forecasting, are driven by machine learning and generative AI.
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data platforms,
Analytics & Data
I have written on multiple occasions about the increasing proportion of enterprises embracing the processing of streaming data and events alongside traditional batch-based data processing. I assert that, by 2026, more than three-quarters of enterprises’ standard information architectures will include streaming data and event processing, allowing enterprises to be more responsive and provide better customer experiences.
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data platforms,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
AI and Machine Learning
Having just completed our AI Platforms Buyers Guide assessment of 25 different software providers, I was surprised to see how few provided robust AI governance capabilities. As I’ve written previously, data governance has changed dramatically over the last decade, with nearly twice as many enterprises (71% v. 38%) implementing data governance policies during that time. With all this attention on data governance, I had expected AI platform software providers would recognize the needs of...
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Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning,
Machine Learning Operations
The artificial intelligence and machine learning landscape was profoundly altered by the emergence of generative AI into the mainstream consciousness during 2023. The widespread availability of GenAI models and cloud services has lowered the barriers to individuals and enterprises engaging with AI for various use cases, including generating content, querying data, writing code, preparing data for analysis, documenting data pipelines and using software products more effectively. The impact that...
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Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning
I am happy to share insights gleaned from our latest Buyers Guide, an assessment of how well software providers’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. The Data Platforms Ventana Research Buyers Guide is the distillation of a year of market and product research by ISG and Ventana Research.
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data platforms,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms
I previously wrote about the ongoing importance of event brokers and event management in enabling enterprises to adopt event-driven architecture and event stream processing. Many enterprises adopt EDA as the design pattern for maximizing events to deliver real-time business processes. There are many advantages to using EDA, including a cultural shift away from batch processing towards real-time analysis and decision-making.
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Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
Data Intelligence