As enterprises seek to expand and accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) many are finding that longstanding analytics and data challenges are a barrier to success. As was explained in ISG’s State of Generative AI Market Report, AI requires data that is clean, well-organized and compliant with regulatory standards. The need for good data management is by no means new, but the expectations and demands associated with AI are a forcing function for enterprises to take long-overdue...
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Machine Learning,
Artificial intelligence,
natural language processing,
Generative AI,
Data Intelligence,
Machine Learning Operations
Artificial intelligence using machine learning has passed through the bright, shiny object stage and software vendors are well into the process of making the concept a reality in their offerings. Ventana Research defines AI as the use of technology to process information in much the way humans do, including improving accuracy in recommendations, actions and conclusions as more data is received. I like the alternative term “augmented intelligence” because it emphasizes that these systems enhance...
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Machine Learning,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
digital finance,
profitability management,
AI and Machine Learning
Alteryx Inspire 2019, this year's user conference for Alteryx, drew around 4500 customers, partners, and prospects to Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Tennessee last month. The strong attendance was a reflection of the strong growth Alteryx has experienced over the last year; roughly 50% growth year-over-year. This year's conference focused on Alteryx's evolution from data preparation to AI and machine learning, and both were front and center.
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Machine Learning,
Data Integration,
Data Management,
Alteryx Inspire
Dreamforce has become the largest enterprise software event for businesses in the United States, and it is evident why when looking at it this year. With over 170,000 business and IT professionals attending, Salesforce came to show off upcoming product announcements and innovations. This year's biggest focus was on Einstein Voice (a personalized and intelligent conversational assistant), integration with other platforms, and Salesforce Customer 360. The last of these is the start of an answer...
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Customer Experience,
Machine Learning,
Voice of the Customer,
Sales Performance Management,
Digital Technology,
Digital Marketing,
Robotic Process Automation,
natural language processing
In 2017 Strata + Hadoop World was changed to the Strata Data Conference. As I pointed out in my coverage of last year’s event, the focus was largely on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). That theme continued this year, but my impression of the event was of a community looking to get value out of data regardless of the technology being used to manage that data. The change was subtle: The location was the same; the exhibitors were largely the same; attendance was similar this year...
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Machine Learning,
Business Intelligence,
Data Governance,
Data Integration,
Data Preparation,
Information Optimization,
Digital Technology,
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing
All too often, software vendors view analytics as the end rather than the beginning of a process. I’m reminded of some of the advanced math classes I’ve taken in which the teaching process focused on a few key aspects of a mathematical proof or solution, leaving the rest of the exercise to be worked out by the students. In other contexts, you may hear people say the numbers speak for themselves.
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Data Science,
Machine Learning,
business intelligence,
Data Governance,
Information Optimization,
Digital Technology,
collaboration for business
Employee engagement has been a dominant theme in both human capital management (HCM) and the systems to manage it in recent years; lately (though not necessarily appropriately) it is a topic often equated with the notion of the employee experience. On a related point, Gallup’s annual employee engagement survey has consistently found the majority of today’s workforce to be disengaged, defined as “not enthusiastic or passionate about their work.” Interest in the degree to which HCM technology can...
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Human Capital Management,
Machine Learning,
Learning Management,
Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Workforce Management,
Digital Technology,
Workforce Optimization
We now are well beyond the year depicted in 2001: A Space Odyssey, a cinematic perspective on the future of artificial intelligence in which HAL 9000, a computer, is able to simulate human behavior and control machines. Anyone reviewing the past two years of marketing around AI in the business technology industry can be forgiven for believing that we have arrived at the futuristic state Stanley Kubrick imagined. We have not.
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Customer Analytics,
Customer Engagement,
Customer Experience,
Machine Learning,
Mobile Technology,
Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Customer Service,
Data Governance,
Data Integration,
Data Preparation,
Internet of Things,
Contact Center,
Information Optimization,
Digital Technology,
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing,
Billing and Recurring Revenue,
Workforce Optimization,
collaboration for business
Workday recently presented a technology summit for industry analysts. The presentations focused on Workday’s ongoing product advancements as well as its approach to employing emerging technologies. These technologies include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA) and bots utilizing natural language processing. Ventana Research uses the term “robotic finance” to refer to these technologies when used in the office of finance. In our view, they...
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Machine Learning,
Office of Finance,
Continuous Planning,
Cloud Computing,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting
Advancing the potential of any business requires continuous improvement in the processes and technology that support it. Many companies have embraced attempts at a digital transformation, and it’s become a goal to which organizational resources and budgets have been dedicated around the globe.
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Big Data,
Data Science,
Customer Analytics,
Customer Engagement,
Customer Experience,
Human Capital Management,
Machine Learning,
Marketing Performance Management,
Mobile Technology,
Office of Finance,
Wearable Computing,
Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Customer Service,
Data Governance,
Data Integration,
Data Preparation,
Internet of Things,
Contact Center,
Information Optimization,
Product Information Management,
Digital Technology,
Digital Marketing,
Digital Commerce,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing,
Pricing and Promotion Management,
Billing and Recurring Revenue,
Workforce Optimization,
collaboration for business,
mobile marketing