Ventana Research recently announced its 2023 Market Agenda for Data, continuing the guidance we have offered for two decades to help organizations derive optimal value and improve business outcomes.
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Cloud Computing,
Data Governance,
Data Management,
Digital Technology,
data operations,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms
Ventana Research recently announced its 2023 Market Agenda for Analytics, continuing the guidance we have offered for nearly two decades to help organizations derive optimal value from technology investments to improve business outcomes.
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embedded analytics,
Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Process Mining,
Analytics & Data,
Collaborative & Conversational Computing
Ventana Research recently published the 2023 Operational Data Platforms Value Index. The importance of the operational data platform has never been greater as organizations strive to be more data-driven, incorporating intelligence into operational applications via personalization and recommendations for workers, partners and customers. In this post, I’ll share some of my observations on how the operational data platforms market is evolving.
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Cloud Computing,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms
I am happy to share insights from our latest Ventana Research Value Index, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. The 2023 Data Platforms Value Index is the distillation of a year of market and product research by Ventana Research. Drawing on our Benchmark Research, we apply a structured methodology built on evaluation categories that reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal to data platform vendors that support the spectrum of...
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Cloud Computing,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms
Having recently completed the 2023 Data Platforms Value Index, I want to share some of my observations about how the market is evolving. Although this is our inaugural assessment of the market for data platforms, the sector is mature and products from many of the vendors we assess can be used to effectively support operational and analytic use cases.
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Cloud Computing,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms
In today’s organization, the myriad of analytics and permutations of dashboards challenge workers’ ability to take contextual actions efficiently. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom for investing in analytics does not recognize the benefits of empowering the workforce to understand the situation, examine options and work together to make the best possible decision.
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business intelligence,
Digital Technology,
Digital Business,
Analytics & Data,
Analytic Data Platforms,
AI and Machine Learning
For far too long, business intelligence technologies have left the rest of the exercise to the reader. Many of these tools do an excellent job providing information in an interactive way that lets organizations dive into the data and learn a lot about what has happened across all aspects of the business. More recently, many of these tools have added augmented intelligence capabilities that help explain why things happened. But rarely did any of these tools provide information about what to do...
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Business Intelligence,
Digital Technology,
Analytics & Data,
AI and Machine Learning
The shift from on-premises server infrastructure to cloud-based and software-as-a-service (SaaS) models has had a profound impact on the data and analytics architecture of many organizations in recent years. More than one-half of participants (59%) in Ventana Research’s Analytics and Data Benchmark research are deploying data and analytics workloads in the cloud, and a further 30% plan to do so. Customer demand for cloud-based consumption models has also had a significant impact on the products...
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Business Intelligence,
Cloud Computing,
Data Management,
natural language processing,
data operations,
Analytics & Data,
operational data platforms,
Analytic Data Platforms,
AI and Machine Learning
Ventana Research uses the term “data pantry” to describe a method of data storage (and the technology and process blueprint for its construction) created for a specific set of users and use cases in business-focused software. It’s a pantry because all the data one needs is readily available and easily accessible, with labels that are immediately recognized and understood by the users of the application. In tech speak, this means the semantic layer is optimized for the intended audience. It is...
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Continuous Planning,
Business Intelligence,
Data Management,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
data operations,
digital finance,
profitability management,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
AI and Machine Learning